Become a Legacy Member
Transitioning into an Alumnae in Matric is a special occasion. Being a Legacy League member is even more rewarding and fulfilling. It is an opportunity to also give back to the Brescia House School Community by creating a Legacy of your existence, similar to the Supra-House Rosette, where the 3 House Colours represented : Brescia (Red): Loyalty Binds; Laurus (Yellow): Ever Willing ; Merici (Blue): Service Before Self.
Become a Legacy League Member and gain access to a wonderful variety of benefits.
For a once-off amount of R1 500 Membership to the Legacy League entitles you to the benefits below:
5% Discount on termly fees to Alumnae children (T&C apply)
Access to Business Network Directory on the alumnae website
Free Business Advertising on website
Opportunities for mentorship and job shadowing
Receive Alumnae Newsletter
Access to school facilities at no charge (T&C) apply
Find out more about the
BHSAA Legacy League